Jaywantrao Bhosale
Krishna College of Agriculture, Rethare Bk.

Affiliated to Mahatma Phule Krishi" Vidyapeeth, Rahuri
Accredited by MPKV, Rahuri with "A" grade

About College

Yashwantrao Mohite Krishna Cooperative Sugar Factory Ltd., Rethare Bk. has decided overall development of jurisdiction of sugar factory in respect of sugarcane and other agricultural field crops. Since, major source of the income in the vicinity of factory is agriculture, the formation of agriculture education through establishing network of education. They realized the significance of Agriculture College and its paramount importance for sustainable development not only the sugarcane productivity but also overall agricultural and socio-economic growth of the farmers. In view of this the governing body submitted a proposal to sanction an agriculture college affiliated to the Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri District- Ahmednagar. Honourable Chairman Dr. Sureshji Bhosale Baba took the initiative and presented the vision and mission of agricultural education for the establishment of the Agriculture College at Rethare Bk.

The committee was impressed through the various activities initiated on Agricultural science and technology development for the benefit of farming community the committee granted agriculture College vide its office letter No.—ACD-VI/Recogn/1066/2003, dated, 28th Sept.2003. The peer permitted to establish Agriculture College abiding to the norms stipulated by the Maharashtra Council of Agriculture Education and Research MCAER Pune to establish Agriculture College. In response to above decision Yashwantrao Mohite Krishna Cooperative sugar factory Ltd. Rethare Bk established Jayawantrao Bhosale Krishna College of Agriculture, Rethare Bk.in the academic year 2003-04. The actual functioning of this College commenced on 1st Nov., 2003.
